Rescue stories Feb 25 2024

Case 1- “Kaaley ” with big magotted wounds on his neck- healed and released.

Case 2- “Seti” a mother dog hit by a vehicle and couldn’t stand or walk. Recovered at SAC- RN shelter and released.

Case 3- “Sundari” is a healed case of CTVT . Spayed & Released back to her home street.

Case 4- “Bhuntu” couldn’t stand or walk doe to weakness in his both back legs and was not responding to the treatment. Was then brought to the SAC shelter. Recovered & released back to his home street.

Case 5 – “Kiwi” had big wound on her head. Healed & Released.

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Sahara animal care believes that street animals are part of our community hence the name ” community animals” and...

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Sahara Animal Care believes that street animals are part of our community hence the name ” community animals” and...

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