Rescue stories Jun 24 2024

Everyday is not a happy day at Shelter!!

Rest in Paradise sweetheart heartbroken

“Niku” was a street dog with a huge mass (tumor) on his neck causing him difficulty in breathing. Niku underwent surgery but it was not possible to save him as the tumor was adherent to the windpipe and few major blood vessels.

We are heartbroken as we had to bid him a last Goodbye # but we know Niku is at peace now and forever.

Sometimes peaceful sleep is better than a painful life!!

Rescue stories Jun 01 2024

Bhote was run over by a vehicle causing him fractured/ paralysed legs. Yet he trusted people around him and hoped someone would help him. And one day, his legs were again crushed and amputated by another vehicle leaving him in pain & shock. After travelling the whole day, it was disturbing yet a great sigh of relief for us that we could help this poor soul who deserved all the love and care in the world.

We just hope and pray that “Bhote” gets healed asap & his faith in humans is restored coz not all of us are heartless and senseless right !!

Rescue stories May 16 2024

Two critical cases of Nasal CTVT, rescued from Birtamod and brought to the Sahara animal care shelter for further management.

Thank you to Shruti Pokhrel ji for donating Nrs. 9000/- for travel expenses.

Thankyou to Bishnu Acharya brother for helping us trace the dogs.

We shall try our best to save these babies. For updates please visit our Facebook page

CTVT i.e. canine transmissible general tumor is highly contagious among dogs and need extra precaution and care during treatment. Chemotherapy and surgery are the treatment options.

As the expenses are too high for us, we hope to get support from kind hearted people. Your any amount of support would mean a lot to our rescues babies.

Rescue stories Apr 15 2024

This is a heart wrenching story of Rex, the dog who was hit by a vehicle that crushed his back and then thrown by people into the canal where and when Rex likely had a head injury then. He was still alive fighting with a painful life. We have brought Rex to the SAC-RN shelter.

We are not sure if we can save Rex but we couldn’t leave him die either in such dreadful condition.

Please help Rex in his treatment and keep him in your prayers. Also please share his story so that such cruelty is not repeated in future. We hope Rex’s rescue story reaches out to the person who threw him off into the canal adding to his pain he already endured.

Please be sensitive towards these voiceless beings around you. They are life like us and feel pain and want to live just like any one of us.

Rescue stories Apr 09 2024

Daisy was brought by a kind hearted safari driver (city auto driver) who found her lying helpless on the street, her back soaked with watery stool. Daisy is likely abandoned by her owner after she suffered from diarrhoea. She is pale, dehydrated, malnourished and not able to feed herself. We could see the pain on her face due to mental trauma from being abandoned by her family. We have isolated Daisy and treatment started.

Rescue stories Mar 02 2024

Rescued an elderly dog in critical condition from remote area of Biratnagar. According to the locals, the dog couldn’t stand or walk and would fall down everytime he tried to. Adding to his suffering, some locals & children have been hitting and abusing the dog multiple times.When brought to the shelter, he seemed to be severely malnourished, weak with his body covered by thousands of ticks and fleas. Poor dog can barely lift his head. Treatment has been started, let’s hope he recovers soon.

The condition of street dogs is worst in Terai region.

They are dying out of hunger, diseases and abuses. They have no one to look up on to seek help. They have no choice but to suffer and die silently.

You can help these voiceless,helpless animals by supporting us so that we can reach out to them and help them heal.