Rescue stories Aug 20 2024

According to the Informer, this sweet dog (mix breed) was abandoned on the street of Lahan likely because he was unable to walk.

Also on the way to Biratnagar, the dog had coughed out blood (hemoptysis). We suspected parvovirus but then later came to know there was an overdose of painkillers given as a treatment unknowingly. We named him “Simba” 😊 ❤️

Sahara animal care shall always be with you Simba no matter what unlike your previous undeserving family.

*Adopting a Life is a Lifetime Commitment and not a short time Entertainment!!

Rescue stories Aug 09 2024

“Prince” is just a 3 to 4 months old baby who was found hiding for almost 24 hours. Prince would refuse to come out as he was clearly terrified by the attack from street dogs and sustained multiple wounds all over his body.

Prince is at Sahara animal care shelter now safe & under treatment. Isn’t this baby one of the cutest beings on earth!! 😘 😻 ❤️ 🤗

You could help Prince recover and get a lovely home by donating and sharing our video 😊

Rescue stories Aug 03 2024

“Mimi” has a fractured leg as she was hit by a vehicle in the middle of the road. She was then brought to Share animal care shelter and is undergoing treatment.
Everyday we get numerous calls for rescues and we need to make sure all the needful cases are attended on time as we know we are the only hope for our voiceless furry friends in the eastern part of Nepal.

You can help Mimi heal by donating or by sharing Mimi’s video.

Rescue stories Jul 20 2024

“Tiger” is a German shepherd abandoned by his owner and was found wandering on the streets of Biratnagar out of hunger and thirst.

He has Mange with maggoted wounds in all his four paws and multiple wounds all over the body.

To the owner: “If you can’t afford raising a dog, better don’t get it just to feed your social ego. They are lives and hence a life time commitment. You don’t deserve these precious beings!! “🙏

Weekly update Feb 18 2024

Case 1: Rescued from Kakkarbhitta ( 110 km from Biratnagar). A female street dog attempted to physical abuse ( r***) by a local man according to the informer.

Case 2: Rescued from Kakarbhitta. A street dog tortured and attempted to be killed by some locals there.

Case 3 : A paralyzed pet dog abandoned by the owner following accident ( run over by a bike). She has pressure sores and holes on her back.

We have released five Rescued dogs to their home street after healing completely.

Weekly update Feb 04 2024

Case 1: CTVT with fistula again, hyperactive dog.

Case2: a puppy had his all the siblings beaten to death by the some locals. We had to save this one, hence brought to the shelter. this baby is also up for adoption.

Case 3: CTVT case

Case 4: This is what Kaalu,our old case of CTVT does when he gets bored. Improving. Plan to start chemo soon.

We lost our two previous cases of Jackie and Panna ( both were severely malnourished with advanced cases of CTVT rescued in critical condition)

Weekly update Jan 21 2024

Case 1: A puppy in a critical condition has multiple holes on her back. A bike rode over her body and then she was left paralyzed with multiple wounds.

Case 2: “Kaalu” rescued from Itahari , a case of nasal CTVT with nasal fistula had discharge and difficulty in breathing when he was brought to the SAC shelter. He has improved to a greater extent. Planned to start chemotherapy after a few more days.

Rescue stories Jul 13 2024

“Jethe” is a pet dog who spent almost all of his life guarding & taking care of his owner’s house & family.

A few months back, Jethe developed infection & maggoted wound inside his mouth. He has rotten gums, teeth and a hard palate. To make it worse, he has a hole on the inside of his upper jaw due to necrosis causing him difficulty swallowing food.

Jethe is with us at Sahara animal care and is under treatment as he has been abandoned by his family.

Rescue stories Jul 10 2024

“Jerry” is a mother cat likely injured in a cat fight according to the informer. Jerry had her back and legs injured and couldn’t walk around. She could barely get food for herself & feed her two newborn babies. Jerry is brought to the Sahara animal care shelter. She can take rest and won’t have to struggle for food and shelter in this rainy season anymore.

We need a bigger separate cage for our rescued cats. Please donate and help us build a separate section for rescued Cats.

Rescue stories Jul 08 2024

They serve us all their Life!!

Are we there to take care of them when they need us???

“Let’s learn LOVE from them”

His name is “Police”, the giant dog who used to guard a Plant shop.

One day, Police was hit by someone causing him unable to stand or walk. His injured leg could not bear the weight of his body. As a result, Police was immobilized for days and weeks soaking him in his own urine and faeces. Soon his matted fur and unclean neglected body was home to hundreds of Maggots.

We knew Police would die a slow painful death if we didn’t rescue him. Hence, Police was brought to the Sahara animal care shelter. His matted fur was shaved to get him rid of the Maggots. Physiotherapy is going on. Let’s hope, our dear Police will soon get back to his normal life.

He is Love

Rescue stories Jun 28 2024

“Balram” is an abandoned calf found severely malnourished with foul smelling maggoted wound hiding behind the bushes. He probably had no idea where to go, what to eat and how to survive without his mother like any other human or animal child. Yet he was separated to die out of hunger and infection as his share of mother’s milk was rightfully & shamelessly snatched away for the growth of human economy. Due to his foul smelling wound we got a call by a person who worked in a road campaign nearby.

Balram is healing now and enjoying the company of his big brother “Kanha” who was rescued from the way to the slaughterhouse months ago.